Wednesday's Word will be a weekly feature wherein I'll introduce a not-very-common and/or not-frequently used word.
We've all been reading and at one point or another come across a word and wondered, "what the heck does that mean?" I actually keep a notepad and pen handy while reading to jot down these words to look up at a later time.
I decided to post only one word per week. This will enable you to remember it and its meaning. Think of it during the day, try using it in a conversation. It's a great way to grow your vocabulary, and maybe next time you're reading, you just might come across one of the words I've featured, and won't have to look it up!
Today, to kick of Wednesday's Word, I'm beginning with: LOGOLEPSY.
Logolepsy is a noun, and its description is, "an obsession with words."
Good word to begin this feature with, don't you think? Now go out there and have some fun with this word! Let people know you have logolepsy! That should propagate some rather interesting conversations!
Whether you suffer from or endure this ailment, be sure to check in every Wednesday for a new word!
Note: The source for many of the words I'll be featuring can be found at Luciferous Logolepsy. They are so obscure, I was actually unable to find some of them at a couple of common online dictionary references, such as The Free Dictionary.com.
When I first read it, before reading the meaning, I put "logos" (word) and "lepsi" (thought of epilepsy) together and figured it meant having some kind of epileptic fit with words - lol - not far off, it seems.
ReplyDeleteI do the same thing, when reading - if a word I come across hits me that I've never come across it or know what it means, I HAVE to either look it up right then or write it down to look up later. I also jot down really cool phrases and one-liners that authors come up with. Not to plagiarize, but to get the drift and inspiration for nifty phrases of my own.
The Old Silly
Marvin: I do the same thing with the nifty phrases and such! And I just HAVE to look up words. I guess we're both logolepsians --? (Wonder if that's right??) LOL!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the word and the definition. I admit my first thought as to its meaning was very close to Marv's; although I went in the direction of someone mixing up words in a logo. I love new words; this one will get some use!
Elspeth: Isn't it fun? I LOVE words! I'm glad there's others like yourself out there that feel the same way! I was hoping there would be, because I am having a blast going finding obscure words and learning what they mean!
ReplyDeleteOh, I gotta quiz my husband and see if he knows that one! He's always spouting off words that I've never before heard.
ReplyDeleteDiane: Oh you simply MUST let me know if he's ever even heard of this one! My bet is that he hasn't!
ReplyDeleteGreat word to start out with! Thanks for the Luciferous Logolepsy link. I'm going to go check it out. It sounds like a devilishly fun site.
ReplyDeleteIt IS an awesome site! Loving words like I do, it's like a treasure chest just full of them!