Increase your vocabulary with not-very-common and/or not-frequently-used words.
Today's word is: TRUCULENT, and its pronunciation is: truk-yuh-lunt
Truculent is an adjective meaning: feeling or displaying ferocity; deadly or destructive; scathingly harsh; aggressively self-assertive.
The small country is ruled by a truculent dictator who punishes anyone who publicly disagrees with his policies.
This one I've heard of, although not used!
ReplyDeleteI probably would have given it two c's. Great word!
A great word.
ReplyDelete"Hey, Vern, what ever happened to that truculent to Horace? Did he wreck it?"
Always find such unique words here on Tuesday. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI love this word because I get a mental image when I hear it. I do use this one pretty frequently, when I have a character acting childish.
Mystery Writing is Murder
Alan you have this wonderful ability to always make me laugh! Ever think of writing a comedy? Then there's always the stand-up routine idea that's been tossed around . . .LOL!
ReplyDeleteI've seen this word and been able to determine what it meant by what was going on in the story. But I didn't know its exact meaning so I've never used it. Now that I do know it, maybe it will make its way into my writing. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteDamn, should've used that term in my book to describe the alien race!
ReplyDeleteI'm pleased that many of you either have used this word or, now being aware of it, may be able to use it in the future! See how wonderful comments are? They're very valuable as feedback!
ReplyDeletefaniliar with this one but haven't found a use for it yet. I love the way it sounds!!
ReplyDeleteI love this work. It just sounds nasty.
ReplyDeleteWorD. I meant worD. Geesh.
ReplyDeleteElspeth: When I read your first comment I thought, "What work?" LOL! You're too funny! Love your second comment!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE that word! (wink)
ReplyDeleteThe Old Silly
I've heard the word before, but not used in the way Alan used it. LOL
ReplyDeleteI like this word because it sounds as harsh as the person it describes. And I adore the way Alan used it.
ReplyDeleteOoooh, good word! Thanks for aiding in the expansion of my vocabulary! :D